Tarpeena Tales
Today was our wedding anniversary, 35 years, and during this time Nuran and I have agreed on most things only mostly at different times. It just goes to show that cooperation and the ability to act deaf works pretty well in most relationships. Well it does in ours.
Anyway it is a great time of the year, not only because of the anniversary and because it will soon be Nuran's birthday, but it is Autumn and the skies are generally clear in our neck of the woods, the heat has gone out of the hottest days , the mornings are foggy and a breeze blows up in the afternoon to freshen everything up. Even Trixie has livened herself up and keeps almost level with me during our morning walks. She has got a bit lazy and fat so is on the Dog equivalent of a Jenny Craig diet and is showing the benefits. Mind you she is 14 but she doesn't have to be fat as well as old. She has become a bit deaf too, although she can hear me come through the gate to feed her soon enough so maybe she is only selectfully so, but are dogs that clever?
Grandson Julian is growing in front of our eyes. Nuran was full of the tales of him when she came back from her week in Adelaide. She is sewing for him now and it's nice to see her sewing little things again. Not clothes but handy things that you need when bedding and bathing baby. The family has moved to Melbourne now so it's another UBD road map I shall have to buy, a lot has happened since I bought the last one in 1994.The last time we used it nearly every road we tried was a dead end or went the wrong way and we did a tour of the inner Melbourne suburbs trying to find our way to Waverley. Some of those inner suburbs were really nice too but we didn't have time to stop!
I had a good weekend before Nuran came home on Sunday, not that she spoilt it of course, but the football team I support won a Final for a change, I watched the cricket Grand Final in Mount Gambier in perfect conditions, had tea at mates Ronnie's house (which meant I didn't have to cook) and played some darts. Bachelor weekend. Nuran was away because her sister Tara got crook and had to be flown to Adelaide. Luckily Tara got better quickly and Nuran could come home for our anniversary.
She brought back some old photos that Bill had of
our first trip to Darwin. I couldn't believe how young and slim she looked and
she couldn't believe that I had hair! Well I still have hair but it's the
parting that has got wider. And the boys who look like men now were only
teenagers. Photos are important to remind us of where we once were and to remind
us of how we have moved on.
So you may as well enjoy the ride because it's no good looking in the rear view mirror.
Tomorrow promises to be another good day weather wise and who knows what else it will bring. It's exciting isn't it?
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