





Malcolm and Nuran .com


 the blue lake

Links    Tarpeena Tales     Great Discoveries  Nuran  Recipes  The Greyhounds

............what's new...what's new....what's new... what's new............. Tarpeena Tales... Volume Four..A Golden Tale...Tarpeena Tales..Volume Four... A Golden Tale..Tarpeena Tales Volume Four ...A Golden Tale..


This Page  is Malcolm's own home page. The links will take you to Tarpeena Tales and Great Discoveries which will be a feature. Tarpeena Tales will go to  volume three for  the new posts, just click on the old volumes if you want to revisit the old tales some of which were good and some not so good.

The most popular section of the previous web site was Nuran's recipes  just use the link to get her recipes.

There is a page now  which relates to our new interest in Greyhound Racing. Click on the link to see the champs racing

and winning .

  Links    Tarpeena Tales     Great Discoveries  JK the Great Syndicate  Nurans Recipes






keenans when young